Summer Intensive 1: Ages 7 and older. Requirement: At least one year of ballet training at a rate of 2 hours per week.
Summer Intensive 2: Ages 10 and older - Requirement: At least 1 year of ballet training at a rate of 4 1/2 hours per week.
Summer Intensive 3: Ages 13 and older - Requirements: At least 3 years of ballet at a rate of 1/ 1/2 hours per day, 3 days per week. At least one year of pointe work. By Placement Only. Please contact us for questions about placement.
Summer Intensives General Information
WHAT TO BRING: Dry Snack (nut free, peanut free) Water Bottle Sack lunch (nut free, peanut free) - Full Day Camp
Ages 7 and older with at least one year of ballet training at a rate of 2 hours per week.
PRICES: HALF DAY 9:00 - 12:00 or 1:00 - 4:00: $155.00 per week FULL DAY 9:00 - 4:00: $285.00 per week SINGLE HALF DAY 9:00-12:00 or 1:00-4:00: $55.00 per half day SINGLE FULL DAY 9:00 - 4:00: $95.00 per day EARLY DROP OFF 8:00 AM: $10.00 per day LATE PICK UP 5:30 PM: $15.00 per day
SCHEDULE: 8:00 to 9:00 Early Drop Off 9:00 to 9:30 Warm Up 9:30 to 11:00 Ballet 11:00 to 11:15 Snack & Recess 11:15 to 12:00 Contemporary, Choreography or World Dance Class 12:00 to 1:00 Lunch & Recess 1:00 to 2:00 Dance Library Class 2:00 to 3:30 Performing Arts Class 3:30 to 4:00 Free Time 4:00 to 5:30 After Care
World/Character Dance Class Themes: WEEK 1: JUN 3-JUN 7: Mexican Folk Dances WEEK 2: JUN 10-JUN 14: Chinese Dragon Dance WEEK 3: JUN 17-JUN 21: Italian Folk Dance WEEK 4: JUN 24-JUN 28: Kalinka Dance WEEK 5: JUL 1-JUL 5: Square Dance WEEK 6: JUL 8-JUL 12: Brazilian Frevo Dance WEEK 7: JUL 15-JUL 19: Indian Classical Dance WEEK 8: JUL 22-JUL 26: African Dance
Summer Intensive 1 Classes and Activities
Morning Classes:
Warm Up: Great option to start the day and get the body ready for dance classes. Children are given exercises for straight and stretch of their muscles.
Ballet: Basic barre and center ballet combinations. This class is design for students that are currently enrolled or intend to enroll in our pre-professional ballet program.
Character/World Dance: Character dance is a specific subdivision of classical dance. It includes basic movements from dances from various parts of the globe. Each week we introduce children to one or more forms of folk dance of different regions of the world. Students will learn basic concepts of character dance, which is part of the syllabus in most ballet schools.
Stretch: Low-intensity, long-duration muscle elongation. During the stretch exercises the body remains in a supported position that allows the muscle fibers to relax.
Contemporary Dance: Class focused on special and body awareness, use of body with and safe body alignment. Contemporary dance encourages dancers to be versatile in their expressions.
Afternoon Classes:
Dance Library Class: After lunch and recess, students will read about dance, dance history and other themes related to performing arts and the region of the globe related to the dance learned during the World Dance Class each week. The teacher will conduct an activity linking the topics read by the students.
Performing Arts Class: Musical Theatre: This class introduces children to styles of dance commonly found in musicals, often performed to show tunes. Variety Theatre: Students will learn about acting, backdrop making and other theatre related topics. Art with Dance: Students will study a painting or other piece of art and learn a dance relate to it. Circus Skills: Basic skills used in circus classes for children. Mime: Students will learn how to act out a story through body motions, without the use of speech.
Summer Intensive 2
Ages 10 and older - Requirement: At least 1 years of ballet training at a rate of 4 1/2 hours per week.
PRICES: HALF DAY 9:00 - 12:00: $235.00 per week FULL DAY 9:00 - 4:00: $355.00 per week SINGLE HALF DAY: 9:00 - 12:30: $ 65.00 per half day SINGLE FULL DAY 9:00 - 4:00: $125.00 per day EARLY DROP OFF 8:00 AM: $10.00 per day LATE PICK UP 5:30 PM: $15.00 per day FULL SUMMER: Contact us for discount.
SCHEDULE: 8:00 to 9:00 Early Drop Off 9:00 to 9:30 Warm Up 9:30 to 11:00 Ballet 11:00 to 11:15 Snack & Recess 11:15 to 12:00 Contemporary, Choreography or World Dance Class 12:00 to 1:00 Lunch & Recess 1:00 to 2:00 Dance Library Class 2:00 to 3:30 Performing Arts Class 3:30 to 4:00 Free Time 4:00 to 5:30 After Care
Summer Intensive 2 Classes and Activities
Morning Classes:
Warm Up: Great option to start the day and get the body ready for dance classes. Students are given exercises for straight and stretch of their muscles.
Ballet: Basic barre and center ballet combinations. This class is design for students that are currently enrolled in our pre-professional ballet program, in Ballet Yellow or Ballet Green. Students not enrolled in our ballet program, but have been taking ballet classes at a rate of 4 1/2 hours per week. are welcome to attend.
Character/World Dance: Character dance is a specific subdivision of classical dance. It includes basic movements from dances from various parts of the globe. Students will learn basic concepts of character dance, which is part of the syllabus in most ballet schools. World Dance: Each week we introduce children to one or more forms of folk dance of different regions of the world.
Stretch/Floor Barre: Stretch: Low-intensity, long-duration muscle elongation. During the stretch exercises the body remains in a supported position that allows the muscle fibers to relax. Floor Barre: Barre exercised performed with the full body on the floor. Contemporary Dance: Class focused on special and body awareness, use of body with and safe body alignment. Contemporary dance encourages dancers to be versatile in their expressions.
Choreography: Dancers will be learning choreography techniques to create and choreograph their own dance pieces. This skill is useful for all dancers and can be applied to their own variation training as well as fuel their creative side.
Afternoon Classes
Pointe Dance Library Class: After lunch and recess, students will read about dance, dance history and other themes related to performing arts and the region of the globe related to the dance learned during the World Dance Class each week. The teacher will conduct an activity linking the topics read by the students.
Performing Arts Class: Musical Theatre: This class introduces children to styles of dance commonly found in musicals, often performed to show tunes. Variety Theatre: Students will learn about acting, backdrop making and other theatre related topics. Art with Dance: Students will study a painting or other piece of art and learn a dance relate to it. Circus Skills: Basic skills used in circus classes for children. Mime: Students will learn how to act out a story through body motions, without the use of speech.
Special Class for International Ballet Scholarship Competitions: By invitation only. Students that are invited to attend this class will work on repertory ballet or specific ballet class exercises to get ready for the 2025 season. Pointe work included for selected students. This class will meet from 1:00 to 2:30 PM, M-F.
Summer Intensive 3
At least 3 years of ballet at a rate of 1/ 1/2 hours per day, 3 days per week. At least one year of pointe work. By Placement Only. Please contact us for questions about placement.
PRICES: FULL DAY 12:30 - 4:30: $310.00 per week SINGLE FULL DAY 12:30 - 4:30: $80.00 per day BALLET DROP-IN CLASSES: $35.00 per class ALL OTHER DROP-IN CLASSES: $25.00 per class BALLET M-F ONE WEEK: $160.00 per week ANY OTHER CLASS M-F ONE WEEK: $95. per week FULL SUMMER: contact us for discount
SCHEDULE: 12:30 to 2:00 Ballet 2:00 to 2:15 Break 2:15 to 3:15 Pointe/Variation 3:15 to 3:30 Break 3:30 to 4:30 MON & WED: Variations; TUE: Contemporary; THU: Choreography and FRI: Pilates Conditioning.
Summer Intensive 3 Classes
Ballet: Basic barre and center ballet combinations. This class is design for students that are currently enrolled in our pre-professional ballet program, in Ballet White. Students not enrolled in our ballet program, but have been taking ballet classes for more than 4 years at a rate of 6 hours per week are welcome to attend.
Pointe: Pointe technique training including barre and center combinations to increase strength and balance on pointe.
Variation: Dancers will learn variations from classical ballet repertoire and spend the week mastering these variations.
Conditionig/Stretch/Floor Barre: Stretch: Low-intensity, long-duration muscle elongation. During the stretch exercises the body remains in a supported position that allows the muscle fibers to relax. Floor Barre: Barre exercised performed with the full body on the floor. Pilates or Progressive Ballet Techique excercise class, conducted by certified instructors.
Contemporary Dance: Class focused on special and body awareness, use of body with and safe body alignment. Contemporary dance encourages dancers to be versatile in their expressions.
Choreography: Dancers will be learning choreography techniques to create and choreograph their own dance pieces. This skill is useful for all dancers and can be applied to their own variation training as well as fuel their creative side.
"I appreciate that Urbana Fine Arts Center has much to offer to my daughter's training: summer intensives with renowned teachers, master classes with Mark Morris dance group and Philadanco dance company, participations with INASIDE dance company, Lincoln Hall theater and recitals at Foellinger Hall. Rehearsals and private coaching. My daughter is part of the UFAC youth ensemble group that placed top 6 at YAGP 2024, a piece that won 3rd place at YAGP 2023, she was part of two pieces invited to perform at YAGP 2022 finals, one of them also place top 6 at YAGP 2022 semifinal, she also placed top 12 junior classical at YAGP 2021 and top 24 junior classical at YAGP 2023. A pleasure to join and being part of UFAC, thanks to Luciana, teachers and staff." Yaneth Perez Rodriguez